Retreat on Sadhana Panchakam at Manjakkudi by Swamini Chidekarasananda Saraswati
(23rd Nov'23 to 27th Nov'23)
With the blessings of H.H. Pujya Sri Dayananda Saraswati and the Guruparampara, Swamini Chidekarasananda Saraswati will be conducting a Vedanta Retreat on Sadhana Panchakam at Manjakkudi, the birthplace of Pujya Swamiji, from 23rd November to 27th November, 2023 inc.
Those interested to join the retreat, please write to us at arshadipa.om@gmail.com so that the link for the registration form can be shared.
We welcome you to immerse yourselves in the spiritually uplifting teachings of Vedanta in the beautiful surroundings of Manjakkudi.